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The Tainted Dolls

Young Nilissa the elf loved to play with her toys,

Jushum she was, with laughter and joys.

One day, a fair doll with skin porcelain white

She colored all over in purple twilight.

"Why did you paint that toy a color so dim?"

Her father asked – she answered on a whim:

"She comes from a land where sun never does glow

So her skin lost its light down there, below.

" Nilissa then froze, her eyes in a haze -

She saw a sad vision of her people's dark days.

"We'll soon be cast out by elven decree

Forced underground, our spirits won't stay free.

Our skin will turn purple from lack of sunlight

My doll's new color foretells our plight.

We'll be the 'Dark Elves' then in name and in hue

Oh father, what terrible fate will befall you!"

Her toy's drab color was an omen it's true

Of the curse that upon the Jushum fey grew.

Little Nilissa saw it all beforehand -

Her people's exile by her kind's command.

The porcelain doll with violet skin tone

Foretold the tragedy to come, for Jushum alone.

Skarliss, Nefintime. Songs of Sorrow.The 4th cycle of the 18,227th passing of Bailzor the Brilliant

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